What is taqwa and why

The Qur'an urges one to attain taqwa. The best definition of taqwa is given by the eminent Companion Ubayy ibn Kab. Once 'Umar asked Ubayy ibn Kab, "What is taqwa?" Ubayy ibn Kab said, "Have you ever walked on the path of thorns?" Umar said, "Yes." Ubayy ibn Kab said, "How did you walk?" Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) said, "I have walked very carefully, so that thorns do not get stuck in my body." Ubayy ibn Kab (may Allah be pleased with him) said: This is taqwa. (Tafsir Qurtubi, Ibn Kathir) Just as man is careful to avoid thorns on the thorny path, so is it to avoid what Allah has forbidden to avoid punishment and to do what Allah loves in order to be rewarded by Allah. Taqwa.

Basically taqwa is an important act of worship in the heart. In simple Bengali it is called fear of Allah.
Taqwa is the source of all good deeds, the guide to the path of virtuous deeds. Taqwa is to survive the punishment of Allah through good deeds. All the ummahs before and after have been instructed to attain taqwa. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And indeed I have enjoined on those before you the Book which was given to you and to you; That you may guard (against evil). ”(Surat an-Nisa ': 131)

There are three levels of taqwa

(1) To keep the heart and all the organs free from sins and haraam deeds.
(2) To protect oneself from makrooh or hateful deeds.

(3) To save oneself from useless and unnecessary matters.

The benefits of taqwa

(1) God's help and nearness is available.

(2) The end result is good.

(3) Good rewards are available.

(4) Increases respect and dignity.

(5) Success is achieved in this world and in the Hereafter.

(6) It is helpful in acquiring useful knowledge.

(6) It is helpful to get true and pure things.

(6) Infinite Rizik is available.

(9) Paradise is found.

(10) Freedom from Hell.

May Allah Almighty grant us the tawfiq to be pious. Amin


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