In the light of Quran and Hadith 12 keys to happiness:
1 / Live for today; Because 'tomorrow' has not been born yet.
“If you wake up in the morning, don't expect to survive until the afternoon. And if you survive in the afternoon, don't expect to wake up in the morning. ”
(Sahih Al-Bukhari)
2 / Can't find peace in heart? Then remember Allah again and again.
“Those who believe and whose hearts are at peace with the remembrance of Allah. Know that the heart finds peace in the remembrance of Allah. ”
(Surah Rad, 26)
3 / Good advice is good for you; Even if it ever feels bitter, don’t let him run away.
"One Muslim has six rights over another Muslim" (one of which is) "When he asks for advice, give him advice."
(Sahih Muslim)
4 / If you get the love of God, be ready for hardships in life.
“The harder the test, the bigger the reward. And Allah tests those whom He loves. "
5 / Do not expect to thank others. Work selflessly.
"We feed you only for the sake of Allah. We do not ask you for any reward, nor are we grateful."
(Surat al-Insan, 9)
6 / Remember, most of the things that people are afraid of do not happen.
“That is the devil; That scares his friends. "
(Surah Ali Imran, 185)
7 / Never forget, the power of God's mercy and forgiveness is much greater than your sins.
“Surely your Lord is Forgiving, Merciful.
(Surat an-Najm, 32)
6 / Believe me, if you are a true believer, you will be the winner at the end of the day.
“How wonderful it is for a believer! Whatever happens to him, only brings good.
(Sahih Muslim)
9 / Your Rizik is not in the hands of people - be sure about this and work fearlessly. Believe in this sentence,
"In the sky is your sustenance and everything you have promised."
(Surah Az-Zariyat, 22)
10 / Always be busy with good deeds, because lazy time is the worst enemy.
"So whenever you retire, seek (Allah's worship)."
(Surat ash-Shahr, 94: 7)
11 / Know that you are very upset, angry; This annoyance will hurt you more than that.
“O Allah! ..Take the anger out of my heart "
12 / Believing in Allah and doing good deeds is the cornerstone of happiness.
"Whoever does good deeds as a believer, men and women, I will surely give them a holy life, and I will give them a better reward than their deeds."
(Surat an-Nahl, 97)
You are not being asked to memorize these, but to do your best. Because we all need these to get happiness in everyday life. Repeatedly needed 6
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