In fulfillment of Gods' promise what a believer should do

h has promised that He will grant the Khilafah to those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, just as He gave the Khilafah to those who passed away before them, establishing their religion on a firm foundation, ) Change the state of fear into security. Let them worship Me alone and do not associate anyone with Me. '(Surah An-Noor, 55)

 God is the owner of this universe. He gives the kingdom to whomever He wills and removes whomever He wills from the kingdom. Because he is sovereign. But he does it through a certain rule. When sending Adam (peace be upon him) into the world, Allah said, "There is no fear for those who follow the guidance that will come from Me." Muhammad (peace be upon him). The purpose of his sending is as follows: "He has sent His Messenger with guidance and the true religion (the way of life) so that he may conquer and establish it over all religions, though the polytheists will not tolerate it at all." The condition is expelled from heaven. In order to confuse the person because of whom he is cursed, he seeks respite from Allah till the Day of Resurrection. Allah granted his prayer and said, "He will fill Hell with those who follow him and those who follow him."

 The conflict between truth and falsehood has been going on since the arrival of Adam (a) in this world and it will continue till the Day of Resurrection. He created man with an independent being. As a result, people have been given the authority to choose between good and evil. Conscience has also given people the feeling of good and evil in their hearts and the understanding of the difference between good and evil. All misdeeds including lying, stealing, robbery, snatching, fraud, deception are against conscience. Satan is the perpetrator of all evil deeds and people do it at the instigation of Satan (Satan leads people from light to darkness). On the other hand, Allah has given prophets, messengers and books along with conscience to protect people from the clutches of Satan. The paradise in which Adam (pbuh) was placed is the address of man if he follows the guidance given by Allah. Filled with innumerable blessings, this heaven is very precious and must be collected with price.

 On the contrary, Hell is a place of terrible torment and suffering which has been prepared for the followers of Satan. When the authority of society is in the hands of Satan's followers, the world is filled with unrest; Especially in that situation, the lives of the believers are in danger. If a group of believers is rewarded with good deeds and if they are accepted in that town, then the rule of Allah is to give them authority (caliphate) in the society. Establishing Khilafah in a society is a great blessing of Allah. If the majority of the people in that locality do not have the mindset to accept Islam, despite the qualifications of the believers, then Allah does not grant it. For example, in Makkah, despite all the qualifications of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) and his companions, the religion could not be victorious due to the active opposition of the people of Makkah.

 The responsibility and power to make the religion victorious belongs to Allah. The Prophet (peace be upon him) himself has no credit for this. Therefore, it is said in the Qur'an, "When Allah's help and victory come, you will see that people are joining the religion of Allah in groups." At the same time, he said, ‘Whatever you want, Allah’s help and near victory. O Prophet, give this good news to the believers. It has not been possible for all the Prophets to conquer the world, but there is no doubt that everyone will be forgiven and go to Paradise. We begin with verse 55 of Surah An-Noor, in which God clearly promises to give the caliphate, to establish the religion on a firm footing, and to turn the present dreadful situation into security. Believers should build themselves up to be worthy of fulfilling God's promises. That is what we will discuss here.

 In the Qur'an, Allah says to believe and do good deeds. Undoubted faith in Allah, angels, messengers, the Hereafter, the Book and destiny. Allah Himself has introduced Himself in various places in the Qur'an, especially in the last three verses of Surah Ikhlas, Ayatul Kursi and Surah Hashr. If a person believes in God and feels God in his heart in the way that God Himself has presented him, then his life cannot be changed. Although we verbally claim faith, faith has not really entered our hearts. If a person who believes in the Hereafter believes that if he disobeys Allah, he will be burnt in the fire of Hell for eternity, then how is it possible for him to oppress people and disobey Allah.

 If adrenaline is mixed in a glass of milk, it can be said that a person will fall in the lap of death as soon as he drinks this milk, and if he believes that, he will not be given that milk at all. He will prove by his behavior that he has faith in this word. In the Qur'an, faith and good deeds are mentioned side by side in the case of reward. The relationship between the two is like a seed and a tree. If seeds are sown in the ground, seedlings will grow in it. If the seedlings do not germinate, it should be understood that the seeds have rotted or are buried in the ground. The same is true of faith and good deeds. If a person is a true believer, then only good deeds can be obtained from him. If one's deeds are not authentic, then one should understand that the claim of a believer is nothing but deception and deception.

 Nek Amal is very wide. Good deeds are not limited to prayers-fasting, Hajj, Zakat, Zikir-Azgar, Tasbih-Tahlil or certain formal acts of worship. The extent of human life is as much as the scope of the Nek Amal. Allah wants to make the life of this world happy, prosperous and comfortable through these good deeds among His servants. At the same time, he wants to make both the world and the Hereafter prosperous by good deeds of faith. Nek Amal is all conscientious. Such as truthfulness, keeping promises, keeping deposits, behaving kindly with people, showing devotion and sincerity in work, etc. If one does these good deeds in disbelief, there is no doubt that they will benefit as individuals and as a nation, but in the Hereafter they will be deprived of the reward. The reward that is spoken of in Islam is good deeds with faith. The demand of faith is to do good deeds. In the Qur'an, the servants of God have been inspired in many ways to do good deeds. In a word, it is a good deed to provide the mind of Allah. That is, to do that which pleases Allah and to avoid that which displeases Allah. For example, we can mention some good deeds here.

 1. Formal Ibadat-Bandegi (formal obligatory Ibadat like prayers, fasting, Hajj, Zakat and Nafl Ibadat performed by the Prophet (SAW) including Zikir-Azgar, Tasbih-Tahlil).

 2. Eliminating all haraam ways of earning halal. Avoiding all kinds of immoral ways and means including overweight, adulteration, fraud, breach of promise, betrayal of trust, negligence of duty and harassment of people, exchange of bribes, transaction of interest, spread of obscenity. Halal earning is a prerequisite for the acceptance of worship.

 3. The greatest rightful owner of good deeds is the parents, then all the people including the close relatives and all the creations of Allah. The Qur'an and Hadith have repeatedly called for good conduct. In Surah Bani Isra'il, along with the slavery of Allah, it is said to treat one's parents well and to pay one's dues to one's relatives, the needy and the traveler. Good behavior is the best way to convey the message of religion to people. A well-behaved person can easily make friends with people. For the sake of religion, a believer should be sweet-spoken and good-natured.

 Allaah praised His Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that if you had a very humble heart, a hard heart, people would fall away from you. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeatedly urged his ummah to be kind to those who are on the face of the earth, and those who are in the heavens will be kind to you. , Subordinate people, non-Muslim citizens in one word to all the servants of Allah. His saying- ‘The best of you is the one who is better to his wife’; ‘The best of you is the one who is best to his subordinates. Forgive your subordinates seventy times a day. ' We must understand that man is the representative of God. Misconduct with people is misbehavior with Allah. The word of Allah - ‘Sure destruction is for those who abuse people face to face and blame behind them.’ That is, those who humiliate, disgrace and hurt people are the enemies of Allah; For them is the fire of God. The saying of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): We are believers in the sense that all creation, including man, is safe by us. Even a non-Muslim and an enemy of Islam is safe for a believer. The saying of the Prophet (peace be upon him): "Killing a mujahid fighting in the way of Allah is the same as killing a non-Muslim."

 Even the enemies of Islam who constantly insult, persecute and persecute the believers do not miss any opportunity to persecute the oppressor. We know in the words of Allah, 'O Prophet, good and evil are never the same. By which is extremely good; Then you will see that the enemies of your soul have become friends of life. 'The task is very difficult. Allah says, "Only those who are very patient and fortunate can attain this quality." Is that all? Coming out of the mouth of a person killed by a tyrant, ‘Alas! If only the people of my nation had understood why my Lord forgave me and considered me among the honorable people. ' This is how Allah has presented the believers in His Book, who are always engaged in the welfare of His creation at all times and in all circumstances, and has prepared for all these believers a paradise of eternal bliss. He has repeatedly said that the guardian of the believers is Allah and that the believers should rely on Him alone.

 Since the believers are the helpers and representatives of God. Therefore, Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) have presented the urge to surrender oneself to Allah and perform only positive responsibilities without any worries. The model of the believers is the Prophet (peace be upon him). His acquaintances, including his wife Khadija (ra) and his close friend Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra), were the first to respond to his call for good behavior. Hiding himself from the infidels, he secretly invited, publicly, tortured and bled, witnessed the martyrdom of his comrades, emigrated to Abyssinia, and at one point he himself left Mecca and went to Medina. There he was able to establish the religion by the will of Allah in a favorable environment. Just then the turn of revenge began. Allah has crushed the pride of His enemies in a very short time by Himself and the believers. With the aim of making the religion victorious, the believers will continue to perform the duties of the da'wah religion with the help of good character. If he performs this duty in a good manner, Allah will inevitably grant him the Khilafah as promised.


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